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Australian Indigenous Art - Snake

Some samples and excerpts of my work on this page.  For more, please support on bandcamp.

Excerpt of An Australian Incantation
Excerpt_An_Australian_Incantation©SilviaSilvia Simons
00:00 / 03:07

(Good headphones recommended.)

An Australian Incantation - the complete work of 10+ minutes duration - was premiered at the Sfogato Festival in 2012.

It invites the listener to close the eyes, relax and drift into a wide, ancient Australia filled with the Spirits of the indigenous  'Dreaming'. It utilizes eclectic sound material: taken from recorded improvisations with Peter Simondson on Contrabass & Silvia Simons on Flute/Voice, from recorded bird, insect & nature sounds of Australia & other sounds. 

Concert premiere in Melbourne on 13 April 2018 

Michael Kieran Harvey - Piano

Melbourne Composers' League Pathways - Concert One

IndigoRealms_ExcerptSilvia Simons
00:00 / 03:27

Indigo Realms is a homage to Felix Werder and uses the characters of his name to generate the pitch material. The letters of Felix Werder translate into the pitch classes: F, E, B, Ab, B, (= Felix) and Bb, E, F, Eb E, F (= Werder), heard in the opening 'flourish' of the piece.

Excerpt of the concert premiere in Melbourne on 24 Nov. 2012.

Performed by:  Yi Wang (Violin I), Tim Veldman (Violin II),  Gabrielle Halloran (Viola),  Alister Barker (Cello I), Chien-Hsui Ong (Cello II)

Excerpt of Poème d'espace
Poème_d'espaceSilvia Simons
00:00 / 38:21

Modified Hannover Concert Version

Please listen through good quality headphones or speakers in order to hear all frequencies

Poème d'espace1st prize ex aequo in the category Sound Art 

The complete work created for Leibniz Harmonien 2016 is of 20:25 minutes duration.  This modified, shortened version is as presented in the concert series Leibniz Under Ground at: : Staatsoper Hannover on 19 August 2016.

As its only sound source, the work utilizes the naturally occuring sounds in the earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere - click here.

Dreaming in the 21st CenturySilvia Simons
00:00 / 07:56

Excerpt of the concert premiere in Melbourne on 26 Nov. 2016:

Bass & Alto Flutes:   Peter Sheridan        Didjeridu:   Namatjira Morgan

The title alludes to The Dreaming of the indigenous Australian tribes, to a time, when the laws of living in harmony with animals & the land were established and handed down by the spirit ancestors. But it does not refer to a ‘golden age’ in the past, rather to a living, continuous dimension, still accessed by indigenous people today through ritual dance, mime, music & ceremonies, in which the didjeridu plays an important, ‘spiritual’ role. This work tries to evoke some of the above by leaving a lot of room ‘to breathe’, by a relatively sparse flow of changing musical events overall & by employing ‘extended techniques’ in such a way as to create an other- worldliness.              

Vox Novus New York & 60x60
TerraustralisSilvia Simons
00:00 / 03:26

The concept of Terraustralis is 'a breath of the Ancient Spirits of this land', with the only sound source of the piece being voices: the voice of the composer and the voices of birds recorded in the Australian Bush.

Programmed at the Australasian Computer Music Conference, 60x60 concert no. 2, in Melbourne 2014.

Spheres 2Silvia Simons
00:00 / 04:08
Hommage à Jean Tinguely
Perpetuum Mobile 2Silvia Simons
00:00 / 02:14
Perpetuum Mobile 1Silvia Simons
00:00 / 01:29

Perpetuum Mobile  2      Orchestral Percussion  

Perpetuum Mobile 1       Piano Miniature 

Kalon by Silvia Simons 2012

"My project "Extended" is a challenge to all composers to write music for unaccompanied flute with only extended techniques, no "normal" sounds at all."

Orlando Cela

Oiseaux de Lune
Oiseaux de LuneSilvia Simons
00:00 / 02:46

Created from a recorded live improvisation with Peter Simondson on Contrabass & Silvia Simons on Flute

© 2016 - 2025 Silvia Simons

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